1,Understanding the concept of the product requirement.了解產品要求的概念
2, Conducting Quality Function deployment.導入質量功能部署
3, Market survey and fixing Target cost.市場調查和確定目標成本
4, Concept drawing and 3D modeling (for components and sub assemblies as well as assemblies) preparation.
5, Concept model development.概念模型研發
6, Finalization of drawings for proto type machines.樣機圖紙的最終定稿
7. Development of proto type machines.首件樣機的研發
8. Finalization of drawings for pilot lot release.樣機圖紙的定稿
9. Development of pilot lot machines.樣機圖紙的研發
10. Bill of Material preparation.物料清單的準備
11. Release of drawings for the first lot of machines.首件機器的圖紙發行
12. Preparation of standard sheets for raw material, bought out items.為原材料和買入材料準備標準材料
13. Alteration of drawings and circulation of drawings to all concerned.圖紙更改,以及相關把修改過的圖紙更新到相關部門
14. Conducting trials on the proto and pilot lot machines.對首件機器和試做機器導入試驗
15. Customer visit and problem solving.客戶拜訪和問題處理
16. Yarn testing and data bank compilation. 紗線測試和資料庫編輯
17. Work in accordance with all the labor disciplines and regulations, and standard working policies and processes in company遵守公司所有相關的勞動紀律和條例,按照公司的政策和程序工作.
18. Obey the management and work assignments including position transfer and other arrangement according to company’s requirements根據公司需要,服從主管的管理和工作安排,包括調崗和其他的工作安排
19. Can do OT based on company requirements根據公司的需要,配合加班
20. Follow and implement the 5S requirements in daily work strictly嚴格遵從和實施公司的5s管理要求
21. Familiar with the work skills, and learn new skills actively for self-improvement in work
22. Other assignments from the superior and supervisor上級和主管分配的其他任務
23. Should be loyal to the company &should maintain the secrecy of the product.對公司保持忠誠,能保守產品秘密