寧波僑泰興紡織有限公司,系臺商獨資企業,建立于1992年,是生產滌綸縫紉線、繡花線、簡染色紗(品種有滌綸長短纖、滌棉、全棉、腈棉、麻棉、粘膠等,用于橫機、針織機、梭織機、襪機)、針織面料專業廠家?,F染色能力1200噸/月,針織面料生產能力800噸/月。我司于越南另設有紗線工廠,主要產品為色紗,染色加工,色紗進出口業務。色紗染色月產量約為350 噸,縫紉線100 噸/月。
公司采用現代化的管理模式,擁有嚴密的品質保證體系,已通過ISO9001認證、ISO14001認證、Oeko-Tex Standard 100認證、有機棉認證。多年來產品暢銷歐美、中東東南亞等國家,深受廣大用戶的歡迎。公司本著 誠信相處、顧客至上、追求卓越、永續經營 的方針,竭誠為國內外客戶提供高品質的產品和服務!
Ningbo QiaoTaiXing Textiles co., LTD. was established in 1992 as a wholly Taiwanese owned manufacturer of polyester sewing thread, embroiderythread, corn-dyed yarns (varieties of polyester filement, polyester/cottoncotton, acrylic/cotton, linen/ctn, and viscose/rayon used for falt knitting.knitting, weaving , sooks, and knitting fabric. The dyeing capacity is 1200tons per month and knitting fabric production is 800 tons per month.Wealso have a factory in Vietnam, mainly for yarn production, dyeing, andimporting and exporting. The monthly output of dyed textile is about 350tons with an additional 100 tons of sewing thread per month.
We adopted modern management models with strict quality assurancesystem. We have passed the lSO9001 , the IS014001 and the Oeko-TexStandard 100 certification. Over the years the products have sold well inEurope and America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries.The company pursues honesty, customer satisfaction, excellence, andsustainable management. We are dedicated to serving customers at homeand abroad by providing quality products and service!