緯龍產品大量銷售于中國內地,同時大批量銷往土耳其、孟加拉、印度、印度尼西亞、埃及、秘魯、馬來西亞等國,并且深受客戶好評。公司歷經了十余年的市場考驗和發展,始終秉承 用戶至上、精益求精、卓越創新、力爭第一 的經營宗旨,不斷創新完善,為客戶提供更優質的服務。緯龍熱忱歡迎國內外朋友來廠參觀指導,選購本公司生產的針織大圓機系列產品,以行業領先的產品加快企業發展步伐。
Quanzhou Weilong Knitting Machine Co.,Ltd is a professional company combing develop, produce sale together. The major products are TF-SFL, the computer jacquard machine, the winder. The company experiences many year development, at present the business has spread the land, such as Fujian, Zhejiang, Jaingsu, Guangzhou, Shangdong Hebei.
Weilong Knitting Mchine Co.,Ltd is located in Quanzhou Lvgu Taiwanese Investstment Zone. There are many Taiwanese businesses with advanced manufacturing process powerful technology. Weilong is just outstanding one among them. Now, Weilong is a company which is the joint of trade industry. Our plant area over 1,0000 square meters. It cooperates with Taiwanese businessman to upgrade its products. Weilong has introduced CNC processing centers, vertical machining centers horizontal machining center, other ancillary equipment. Weilong’s current annual manufacturing capacity is about 800 units.
China is the most important sales market, but Weilong has stated to go after these overseas markets including Turkey, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Egypt , Peru, Malaysia so on. This company experienced the near ten year markets to strive for success with the struggle, has undergone the market test the baptism. The factory pursues the aims-high quality, good service always tries its best to provide the best products the first class service for all the users.
We welcome you wholeheartedly to buy the series products of knitting machine you are welcome to come for a visit.